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All of the Updates - August '24

Good morning my beautiful bookish loves!

Apologies for being extra MIA of late, especially since BBB – to say that the stress of that event wiped me out would be an understatement, and my cup was already down to empty before it, so I’ve really had to try to treat myself with some kindness and take some time away. I’ve not made my burnout a secret, but when I tell you I’ve been pushing myself through it despite knowing I shouldn’t… well, these last few months have shown me that I can’t keep doing that.

For those who didn’t see my post last week about the pre-order for Plead being cancelled – this is why. I needed to relieve the pressure from my writing because it was stealing all of my joy for it and making words became the hardest part of my world, which is devastating.

That said, having removed the pressure, and trying to give myself some grace, I can finally say I’m actually writing again! I won’t say it's anywhere near my previous speed of words, but words are coming. So I am still aiming for an August release for Plead. Amazon will no longer allow me to set pre-orders for a year, so to keep up with my releases, please make sure to follow me on Amazon as they will notify you of my releases as well as me posting everywhere and anywhere about them, as they will now be live releases.

I am also working on a few secret things, which are fuelling my joy SO MUCH! But I’m keeping them secret because I have to for now aha.

What I can tell you I’m also working on, is my Shadow Queen saga! If you’ve read my Shadow Walkers Saga, you know all about the Shadow Queen and her Four Horsemen… but if you haven’t, I highly recommend starting The Ruin of Souls so that you’re ready for this series! I am re-editing book 1, so that book 2 starts seamlessly So excited to drop back into that world!

Other updates!

I have also recently announced most of my book signings for next year, so if you haven’t seen them, the signings that can be announced so far are:

  • Fiction, Fans & Ballgowns – 21st/22nd March @ Renaissance at Kelham

  • Belfast Books & Ballgowns – 28th June @ ICC Waterfront, Belfast

  • RARE London – 5th July @ Excel, London

There is at least 1 more that I can’t announce yet but as soon as I can I will (especially because the 1, maybe 2 are international and I am EXCITED).

Also, if you haven’t seen, The Knights of Echoes Cove is now entirely available on Audio! I know people have been asking me for ages about it, but it is FINALLY DONE! Wooo! I am still waiting on updates for Shadow Walkers, but as soon as I know, you guys will know!

Listen to book one of The Knights of Echoes Cove, Tormented Royal, HERE-->

I think that’s everything for me update wise for August, but as and when I know more, as ever, you guys will know.

So much love to you all, and I appreciate your kindness & understanding with all of my stuff.



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